miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2016

[3 ESO] Women in Science

Women in Science is a card game that familiarizes players with remarkable, often unknown, women of science and offers inspiring role models for students. It was created by Anouk Charles and Benoît Fries, who wanted to show examples of scientific women to their daughter as alternative role models -instead of princesses and over-sexualized singers or actresses.

It can be played as traditional French card playing cards (hearts, spades, diamonds and clubs) but the original idea was to create a new game with new rules.


Part I
  • Download one of the files below and translate the text in each card.
  • Use a picture editing software to replace the text in the cards by your translation. Save the new card in a .png format and send it to the teacher.

Part II
  • Choose one of the three women in your file and look for some more information abour her life and accomplishments.
  • Prepare a small presentation to introduce her to your classmates. You can create a poster, a web, a presentation, a video, a speech...

Part III
As you may have realized, there are no Spanish women in the deck. Nevertheless, there are a lot of successful engineers, scientists and researchers in our country.
  •  Search a Spanish female scientist and create a card for her. You can use a picture or, if you want, draw her caricature.
  • Make a small presentation about her.

DOWNLOADABLE FILES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.

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