domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2018

[2º BACH - CCSS] Noticias y artículos - SEPT 2018

En el siguiente enlace podrás encontrar varios artículos y noticias que muestran la relación entre las matemáticas y las ciencias sociales. Debes realizar un comentario de alguna de ellas, explicando brevemente qué conceptos y procedimiento matemáticos se utilizan en el contexto descrito por la noticia, la posible relevancia de esas aplicaciones para el futuro y una opinión personal sobre la noticia.

[4 ESO] Making sense of irrational numbers

Here you can watch the Ted-Ed video "Making sense of irrational numbers" by Ganesh Pai and animated by Anton Trofimov:

You may activate the subtitles (avaliable in English, Spanish and many other languages) or you may check the transcription here.

The following video talks about the infinite amount of natural numbers using the Hilbert's famous hotel paradox. We will talk about this in Unit 1:

If we notch up the level of abstraction a little bit you can watch this video that talks about Cantor ideas about infinity and how there are infinities of different sizes:

[4º ESO] A brief history of pi

Read this article about the history of pi and its applications and answer the questions:

  1. What is the definition of pi?
  2. What are the first documents that contain an approximation of pi?
  3. Research: Explain, with the help of drawings and figures, Archimedes’ method to approximate pi.
  4. Research: Find an infinite series or product that can be used to obtain an approximation of pi.
  5. In the text, we can read that calculating billions of decimal figures of pi “has no use” … Why do we still find more and more decimal figures of pi then?
  6. The text states that pi is an irrational transcendent number. What does it mean?
  7. The number e is another very famous irrational and transcendent number. Write a short text about its history and applications.